Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Old News

You may have noticed I have added a large collection of entries from the past--the long past. These are blogs that were posted elsewhere and I left them to sit, simmer, and part of my hoping they would disappear. I am glad they didn't disappear because they remind me of who I was and who I am today. I have included them here so they will not dissolve nor will they fade away into the dark never to be seen again.

It's important to document feelings, thoughts, victories, losses, and everything in between. I see the ideas develop and sometimes there's a common theme and suddenly a turn in the road where the theme changes completely. That's ok, because we as humans change throughout our lives. Sometimes it's good to take an unexpected turn and seek out new adventures. Having done that 4 years ago this month, after a year of preparation I only half believed in, I am thrilled that I took the risk. I'm not a risk taker by nature, but when I was talking with a friend the other day, I realized that's not true. I am a risk taker. I do things other people would be too timid to do even if they dream about it. They are not only afraid of change, but they are convinced that where they are is where they should be even if it's not. And they know it. It made me sad talking to my friend and seeing her eyes light up when she spoke about where she knew she wanted to be and then her face falling when she told me all of the reasons why she couldn't be there. The reasons were excuses and words to hide the fear. I hope she takes the risk one day and flies freely to where she wants to be. I hope she can truly be happy without trying--without settling--without desperately seeking out that small spark even if it lasts only a moment.

Just because you want to fulfill your dream doesn't mean you are disappointing others. It may, in fact, be the opposite. They may cheer for you because they always knew.

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