Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Friday, July 24, 2015


Hmm.... So I sometimes apply for jobs and never tell anyone. On purpose. Sometimes because I don't want to jinx it and sometimes because I don't want to explain if I am not hired.
I know talking about it isn't going to sway the decision one way or another, but somehow I feel like if I talk about it, I'll get my hopes up and realize I was never qualified or they hired from within or they had already chosen someone and this was just a formality for "show".
Ultimately, I think it's the embarrassment factor--who wants to talk about a job they're applying for and think they should get, and then have to let people know you weren't hired. So sometimes I just don't want to talk about it. But then sometimes I find out that where I'm applying, they know someone and they contact them! So, hopefully, I get this job for many reasons. Amen.

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