Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Unschooling is just an excuse

Unschooling is a controversial subject to be sure. Basically, it's learning through living your life. From what I see, it's simply not going to school, having no accountability for learning anything, and an excuse to stay home and do whatever you want. Many people say these kids can go on to college and have successful careers. Ummm....how do you apply to college when all you've done is do what you feel like? Maybe you went to a museum and learned about science but that doesn't replace a science class at school. And what about the arts? Foreign language? And yes, I'm including a bilingual family. There are other languages to learn besides your native ones. 
I think unschooling is neglecting your kids and/or catering to their desire to stay home. It's a complete joke. It would be a very special child who actually ventured forth to learn more than a few things in an unschooling environment. The philosophy includes children learning what they're interested in and pursuing those things. So if a child isn't interested in math, they don't have to learn it? What about things they have no idea about and don't have a chance to find out if they're interested? 
Sorry, but unschooling is a bad idea. Just my opinion, of course. :)

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