Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Tears of Joy and Sorrow, Love and Pain

Last night was an historic night. In a deep red state, a democrat took the senate election. It was unbelievable, incredible, and an important reminder that there is good in the world--that people really do care about one another. The outrage has turned to action. People are telling the government they are not happy with how it's going now and their voices are heard in their votes.

I cried tears of joy for the optimism this brings. I wept for the sorrow that has been living inside me for so long and finally rushed out in a moment of happiness. I cried because of love and pain and how closely they sit together. 

This world will come together again. The cracks will seal, the deep divides will join together again, and we will be one again. Not us and them. Just us. That day isn't far away. Last night gave me a glimpse of hope that our future has some light in it.

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