Thursday, June 14, 2018

Feeling like I'm back at square one

For three years, I've been sailing along on a cloud of elation having finally found a job that fits my dreams, my skills, and my personality. Suddenly, I feel as though that cloud is falling and there's nothing to catch me. It's in no way my fault, but it doesn't make it feel any better. Frustrated and disappointed, I am searching for new adventures. There aren't many out there that fit me the same way this one did. Basically, I am looking for this job somewhere else. I don't know if that's realistic or if this job even exists anywhere else. I just know that going back to my past is not an option. I keep telling myself that everything always works out and I've always found my way through this crazy world. I've always landed on my feet. Yeah, I keep telling myself that. I'm not sure if I believe it. I'm scared of what the future holds and afraid that this was all a dream that wasn't meant to last. 

Even though I want to change it immediately and escape from the crazy uncertainty, I know I have one more year to figure this out. One more year to find my job in the sky. One more year to discover my dream job was right in front of me all the time. Or maybe it was under a rock or a pile of sheet music. But it's there. And I will find it.

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