I don't even know when it was the last time I wrote. Life sure can get in the way sometimes. I don't know where the days go and suddenly, I find myself sitting here a month later, astonished that I haven't written a word in all of that time. So much for routines. I should put this in my routine. SHOULD being the operative word. One thing I have noticed while getting my routines in order, is that there is a limit to how much one can fit into the day, week, month before you have no time to yourself--to do what you feel like doing. And on top of that, my life is about to change drastically. There will be even less time for routines and I will need to reconfigure my cleaning and household schedule. I have gotten into such a great groove and now the thought of making these changes to accommodate my soon to be new schedule, is daunting. I have already drafted a new routine including cleaning schedule, laundry, groceries, etc. I'm uncomfortable with it mostly because it's change. I'ma creature of habit. I like routines and I like them to stay the same as long as they are working well. And this one is. Sigh.
I didn't mean to come here and complain, just wanted to process some of this change that's coming soon. It's good change and it will make me happy, but I will need to be much more vigilant about how I use my time. I've been so used to having a lot of time to complete my routines and get work done on my own schedule. Now some of that will change. Hopefully, it will work out--hey, maybe I won't sit around and eat so much and thus lose a few thousand pounds! Silver lining...