What a year it’s
been! 2016 sure had some interesting twists and turns. I’ll just leave it at
As always, I look
back on the year and wonder how it flew by so quickly and reflect on everything
that happened—the good, the bad, and the ugly. I’ve learned more, sung more,
and enjoyed more. In between the joy came sadness and the realization that life
is short. Hold your loved ones tight, tell them you love them, and never ever
take a day for granted. Learn from your mistakes and admit wrong doings. Don’t
try to be perfect—trust me, it doesn’t work! J But do try your best. Always try. That’s what counts.
reflecting, I’ve enjoyed my job as Program Director for Music in the Schools,
Music teacher at a preschool, and of course, teaching my beloved Special
People. When I’m not teaching, I’m singing with the Peninsula Women’s Chorus,
taking voice lessons, and trying to spend time with friends. I even managed a
short trip to Seattle, which was the first vacation I’ve taken in probably 20
years, that wasn’t to see family or sing with my chorus. It was refreshing and
made me realize once more, that I need to do more of that. Tomorrow may not
come, there’s never a guarantee, and soon, your life passes you by and you
stand there wondering why you never checked off the things on your bucket list.
Do it now. Don’t wait.
I still long to
live outside the US for an extended period of time and am currently researching
and weighing my options. I could further my education or further the education
of others. Or both. It remains to be seen. There has to be more than what’s
right here at home.
Being on Facebook
gives me some weird sense of thinking I know what’s going on in everyone’s
lives and that they know mine. It makes writing this letter difficult since I
feel like I “see” you all every day. But I don’t and even though many of you
are far away, please know you are always in my thoughts.
My wish for all of
you is a healthy, happy holiday season with an even better 2017. Thank you all
for being in my life and allowing me to be in yours.